- What is the IASSIST membership year?
- What happens if I join or renew before March 1 of a particular year?
- What happens if I join or renew on or after March 1st of a particular year?
- How do I renew my membership?
- What currencies can I use to pay my membership fees?
- How do you determine the non-US dollar membership fees?
- Where do I send my membership payment?
- Do you offer a reduced membership rate?
- May I buy a digital copy of the IASSIST list of members?
Participation in IASSIST
- How can I become involved in the IASSIST activities?
- What if I want to take on a leadership role in IASSIST?
- How are Regional Secretaries chosen and what do they do?
- Can I propose a new Action Group or Interest Group?
- What if I can’t wait for the annual meeting and want to form an Action Group or Interest Group to deal with an important issue or topic of the moment?
- If I give a workshop at an IASSIST conference, do I pay conference fees to attend the full conference?
- How does IASSIST choose where to hold its annual conferences?
Achievement Award
Publications and Communications
- How do I access the IASSIST email listserv?
- Is the IASSIST listserv available to browse and search?
- What is the scope of the IASSIST Quarterly (IQ)?
- How do I submit an article to the IQ?
- How is the IASSIST website and blog managed?
- How can I follow / be followed by iassistdata on twitter?
What is the IASSIST membership year?
July 1 - June 30
What happens if I join or renew before March 1 of a particular year?
Your membership goes to the end of that membership year. For example, if you join in February 2024, your membership ends June 30, 2024.
What happens if I join or renew on or after March 1st of a particular year?
If you are joining as a new member or renewing as a member in good standing, your membership extends to the end of the NEXT membership year. For example, if you joined in March 2024, your membership ends June 30, 2025. If you are renewing a lapsed membership, your payment will make you active for the CURRENT membership year.
How do I renew my membership?
If you haven’t renewed for the next membership year, an e-mail announcement with instructions will be sent out in June, and a reminder in early July when the new membership year begins. Payment for the upcoming membership year can be made online, or in conjunction with your conference registration. A third notice is sent out later in the year if we have no record of your renewal. Questions about your membership status should be directed to the Treasurer.
What currencies can I use to pay my membership fees?
Payments can be made in US dollars, Canadian dollars, GB Pounds, or Euros. Online credit card transactions will be conducted automatically, via Affinipay, in US Dollars and may be subject to currency fluctuation. If you need to pay by check/cheque – please contact the currency-appropriate treasurer. You need to designate the currency in which you want your payment processed.
How do you determine the non-US dollar membership fees?
The Treasurer makes yearly evaluations of the Canadian, GB Pound, and Euro rates. We generally look at a month or more of rates (to account for slight fluctuations) and then take the current rate for $50 USD and round to the nearest full Canadian Dollar, Pound, or Euro. These rates are set in May or June before the membership renewal period of each year and are not adjusted unless there are major changes in the exchange rate.
Where do I send my membership payment?
Please refer to the Payment Information. Credit card transactions in US Dollars will be conducted automatically, via AffiniPay. Canadian members can send their cheque payments to the Canadian Assistant Treasurer. Members in the US, Africa, Asia/Pacific regions and residents of Latin America may send payments to the US Treasurer. Members in the Europe may send payments to the European Assistant Treasurer. Contact information for all Treasurers is at
Do you offer a reduced membership rate?
Yes! The reduced rate is available to students, retirees, and members based on lower income, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries as defined by the World Bank. All members paying the reduced rate are expected to self-declare their reduced rate; proof will not be requested by IASSIST officials.
May I buy a digital copy of the IASSIST list of members?
No. As a non-profit organization, the resources of IASSIST, including its discussion list, are not to be used for commercial purposes including advertising or other promotional efforts related to commercial products. IASSIST Policy does permit, however, the use of its discussion list for announcements of the availability of new datasets from members’ institutions and conferences for other organizations. IASSIST Policy does not permit the use of this service by, or for, non-members.
If I give a workshop at an IASSIST conference, do I pay conference fees to attend the full conference?
How does IASSIST choose where to hold its annual conferences?
The IASSIST Conference is held annually and is hosted by IASSIST members, often drawing upon some level of organizational support from their institutions. Guidelines have been prepared by the IASSIST Administrative Committee to assist those who might consider hosting an IASSIST Conference. See these guidelines for hosting a conference. Proposals to host the annual conference are submitted to the current IASSIST President in time to be considered by the Administrative Meeting preferably two years before the conference for which the application is being made. Proposals are accepted by a vote by the Administrative Committee at its meeting.
How can I become involved in the IASSIST activities?
Besides attending the annual conference, small groups of volunteers work together during the year on designated activities. These groups can be: –Committees (permanent groups with a mission designated in the constitution), –Action Groups (groups formed by the Administrative Committee for a defined, limited-time task), –Interest Groups (groups formed by the Administrative Committee to serve as a forum for discussion on topics of interest). See the Committees page for the names and charges of these groups with contact information for each Chair. With the exception of the Elections Committee, volunteers are welcome to join at any time and can do so by contacting the Chair.
What if I want to take on a leadership role in IASSIST?
The executive body of IASSIST is the Administrative Committee. It is comprised of elected officials (regional representatives, regional secretaries, tresurer, secretary, president, vice-president), the immediate past-president, and the following appointed officials: web editor, IQ editor and archivist. Elections are held once every two years and nomination calls are open to all members. Appointed positions are made by the President and approved by the Administrative Committee so persons should make their interest known when vacancies are announced. A list of current officials is available at the website. Contact anyone on this list if you want more information.
How are Regional Secretaries chosen and what do they do?
One Regional Secretary is elected for each Region. They are elected by members of their region for a two-year term and may be re-elected. Regional Secretaries, the primary officers of IASSIST in their respective regions, provide leadership and guidance in the realization of IASSIST’s objectives in their respective regions. They represent IASSIST in its dealings with external bodies and agencies, particularly at the national level. Regional Secretaries form part of the Membership Committee and attend all meetings of the General Assembly and the Administrative Committee. They submit a yearly report to the Administrative Committee and the Annual General Assembly on activities in their region relating to social science data. This report is posted on the IASSIST website so that it is available to all members.
Can I propose a new Action Group or Interest Group?
A minimum of three (3) members of IASSIST may make application to the Administrative Committee for the establishment of an Action Group, minimum of five (5) members for the establishment of an Interest Group. More information about interest groups is available on the website.
What if I can’t wait for the annual meeting and want to form an Action Group or Interest Group to deal with an important issue or topic of the moment?
If the establishment of an Action/Interest Group is made during the course of the fiscal year, the Administrative Committee shall determine the duration of the term at the time of establishment. After receiving the proposal the Executive may then forward that proposal, with or without comment or amendment, to the Administrative Committee for endorsement. It will be subject to the same conditions and restrictions as any Action/Interest Group, as described in IASSIST Constitution (ARTICLE XII - BY-LAWS).
Can I nominate someone for an IASSIST Achievement Award?
Yes. An award committee, consisting of the three immediate past presidents of the association, administers the IASSIST Achievement Award. Any member of the association, including a member of the award committee, may nominate an individual to be recipient of the IASSIST Achievement Award. The award will not be given for a single significant accomplishment, but will be awarded for a sustained contribution to the organization and the profession.
How do I access the IASSIST list serv?
discuss [ at ] is an email discussion list for IASSIST members. Everyone with a current membership and for whom we have an email address, and an indication that you wish to join the list, is registered on this distribution list. To modify your subscription use the links that are on the IASSIST Membership Directory (requires login), to which all active members have access.
Is the IASSIST listserv available to browse and search?
See discuss [ at ] about how members can see previous postings to the list by using the link to the list archive that is on the IASSIST Membership Site. Message posted August 2007 to date can be browsed by date.
What is the scope of the IASSIST Quarterly (IQ)?
The IASSIST Quarterly is the long-running open access journal of our organisation. The Editor is appointed by the Administrative Committee, and is supported by the chair and members of the Publications committee. For more information view the IQ page.
How do I submit an article to the IQ?
Articles are welcome throughout the year. See instructions for authors in the IASSIST Quarterly journal.
How is the IASSIST website and iBlog managed?
The IASSIST Web Editor is appointed by the Administrative Committee. The Communications Committee supports the Web Editor by volunteering to be active on the Web Team. The iBlog is open for any members to post items of interest to the community, subject to editorial control by the web team. The Web Editor ensures there is a regular stream of content on the blog.
How can I follow / be followed by iassistdata on Twitter or Facebook?
IASSIST no longer uses X/Twitter. Instead, we welcome you to follow us on LinkedIn, Bluesky, Facebook, and Mastodon. All platforms get roughly the same status updates.