The IASSIST Liaison and Organizational Sponsorship Task Force may decide to open a call for proposals to provide sponsorship of regional or local events. The Call will be posted on the IASSIST Discussion List and in social media.
General description of the sponsorship
Events consider for sponsorship should gather data professionals from multiple institutions and may vary in size and scope from workshops, symposia, conferences, etc. These may be established events or new endeavors. We are particularly looking to sponsor regional or local level events that will attract data professionals who would benefit from IASSIST membership, but may not always be able to travel to attend IASSIST conferences. Preference will be given to events from underrepresented IASSIST membership areas as such as Africa, Asia/Pacific, Eastern Europe, and Latin/South America.
Requests for sponsorships may be monetary, and may also include a request for mentorship assistance by matching the event planning committee with an experienced IASSIST member with relevant expertise (e.g., conference planning, subject/content, geographic familiarity).
Accepted events will be required to designate an active IASSIST member as the liaison. Generally, this would be an IASSIST member who will be attending the event and although not required, may be on the planning committee or otherwise contributing to the event. The liaison will be responsible for assistance with coordinating logistics related to the sponsorship, ensuring that the sponsorship is recognized at the event, and contributing a post to the iBlog about the event.
Proposals should include:
- Name of the event and event details (date, location, any other pertinent information)
- Organizing or hosting institution
- Description of event and how it relates to IASSIST goals and communities
- Specific request for sponsorship: amount of money and/or mentorship assistance
- Description of how the sponsorship will be used
- Name and contact information of person submitting proposal and designated event liaison to IASSIST
The number and monetary extent of awarded sponsorships, application schedule and process, and other requirements may vary from call to call.
Further information is available on the video on event sponsorships.