Strength in Numbers
Host city: Ottawa, Canada
Host: University of Ottawa
Dates: May 27-30, 2003
Ordinal: 29
2003-05-27: Workshops
Implementing DDI: It ain't rocket science. . .
Wendy L. Thomas (Minnesota Population Center)
William C. Block (Minnesota Population Center)
Making Your Website Usable
Marianne Zawitz (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Colleen Blessing (U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information System)
Making Your Website Usable
Marianne Zawitz (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Colleen Blessing (U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information System)
Everything you ever wanted to know about preparing qualitative data. . . but were afraid to ask
Louise Corti (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
John Southall (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
Data Publishing
Prem Khosla ()
Margaret Ward ()
Erin Sawatzky ()
Sigbjorn Revheim ()
Jostein Ryssevik ()
Bill Bradley ()
Conducting a GIS Reference Interview
Steve Morris (North Carolina State University)
Using DataFerrett for descriptive analysis and publishing data to the DataWeb
Cavan Capps (U.S. Census Bureau)
2003-05-28: Plenary I
Something Old, Something New: Historical Census Data
Chad Gaffield (Professor of History, Director of the Institute of Canadian Studies, University of Ottawa)
2003-05-28: A1: The Roots of Historical Censuses: A National Archives Perspective
The U.S. Decennial Census of Population and Housing from an Archival Perspective
Thomas Brown (National Archives and Records)
From Destruction to Digitisation: A Short Histroy of Census Records in Ireland
Catriona Crowe (National Archives of Ireland)
The Census of Canada from an Archival Perspective
Cara Downey (Library and Archives of Canada)
2003-05-28: A2: Empowered by Metadata: Building Systems of Access
Easy Access to Secondary Data for Scientific Research
Marleen Becht (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)
Clearninghouse for Transport Data and Transport Models - Concepts and Implementations
Angelika Schulz (German Aerospace Center)
MADIERA: A European Infrastructure for Web-Based Data Dissemination
Bjarne Oymyr (Norwegian Social Science Data Services)
2003-05-28: A3: Strengthening Numbers: Measurement, Aggregation and Policy
e-Europe and e-Europe+ Projects
Dusan Soltes (Comenius University)
Integrating Public Domain Data to Construct Community Profiles
Betsy Blunsdon (Deakin University)
Ken Reed (Deakin University)
Steven McEarchern (Deakin University)
Nicole McNeil (Deakin University)
2003-05-28: B1: Historical Censuses: Numbers from the Past
The Future of the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: IPUMS International and IPUMS Redesign
William Block (University of Minnesota)
Rescuing Historical Censuses at UC Data
Fred Gey (UC Berkeley)
Providing Access to the Dutch Population Census of 1971
Luuk Schreven (Dutch Institute of Scientific Information Services)
2003-05-28: B2: DDI, Nesstar and ISO: Pushing the Boundaries
DAIS|nesstar - An Update
Bill Bradley (Health Canada)
Is Your Data Facility ISO Compliant? Progress Towards Harmonizing the DDI and ISO 11179
Daniel Gillman (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
2003-05-28: B3: Changes in the way Data Archives Process Data
Data Processing in FSD: Challenges in a New Archive
Hannele Keckman-Koivuniemi (Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
Mari Kleemola (Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
Data Processing in Danish Data Archives
Anne Sofie Fink (Danish Data Archives)
Soren Priisholm (Danish Data Archives)
Birgitte Jensen (Danish Data Archives)
Bernhard Hansen (Danish Data Archives)
Data Processing in the UK Data Archive
Alasdair Crockett (UK Data Archive)
Data Processing at ICPSR
Darrell Donakowski (ICPSR)
2003-05-28: C1: Historical Spatial Data: Enriching GIS
Topic - Time - Geography: Navigating the Triangle of Social Science Data
Wendy Thomas (University of Minnesota)
The National Historical Geographic Information System: An Update
William Block (University of Minnesota)
Great Britain Historical GIS: A New Architecture for Web Dissemination
Humphrey Southall (University of Portsmouth)
2003-05-28: C2: Constraints on Data Access: Licenses and Confidentiality
Access to Microdata in the UK: The Case of the Samples of Anonymized Records from the 1991 Census
Angela Dale (University of Manchester)
Licensed to Bill: Single Fare vs Bus Pass
Cindy Severt (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Meeting the Challenge: The National Population Health Survey and Data Access
Elizabeth Hamilton (University of New Brunswick)
2003-05-28: C3: Data, Digitization, Electronic Archives and the Web: At a Crossroads
Digital Library Collections: Fostering Collaboration
Juri Stratford (University of California, Davis)
The Development of the Electronic Records Archives Program at the U.S. National Archives
Fynette Eaton (National Archives)
The Emerging Data Web
Seth Grimes (Alta Plana Corporation)
Constituent Mail Analysis Project (CMAP)
Joel Herndon (Emory University)
Naomi Nelson (Emory University)
2003-05-29: Plenary II
Literacy and Numeracy: How Does it Add Up?
Scott Murray (Statistics Canada)
2003-05-29: D1: Understanding the Strength in Numbers: Statistical Literacy
Data Statistical Literacy for Librarians
Ann Gray (Princeton University)
Public Opinion Matters: A New Roper Center Program Designed to Promote Classroom Use of Public Opinion Data
Lois Timms-Ferrara (Roper Center)
Statistical Literacy Survey: Reading Tables and Graphs
Milo Schield (Augsburg College)
2003-05-29: D2: Metadata Conversions: Migration Experiences
Implementation of the DDI at the Roper Center
Marc Maynard (University of Connecticut)
From Metatdata Converstion to MetaDater Management
Meinhard Moschner (Central Archive for Empirical Social Research)
Oliver Watteler (Central Archive for Empirical Social Research)
1-2-3, Than's How Elementary It's Gotta Be - Managing DDI
Ken Miller (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
2003-05-29: D3: Spatial Data Access Issues: Enabling GIS
FGDC, Meet the DDI: Adding Geospatial Metadata to a Numeric Data Catalog
Julie Linden (Yale University)
Privacy and Confidentiality Issues with Spatial Data
Deborah Balk (CIESIN - Columbia University)
Robert Downs (CIESIN - Columbia University)
W. Christopher Lenhardt (CIESIN - Columbia University)
Francesca Pozzi (CIESIN - Columbia University)
Taking Down Barriers around GIS-data for Dutch Universities
David van der Steen (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)
2003-05-30: Plenary III
New Frontiers: GIS, Life, the Universe and Everything
Dr. Fraser Taylor (Carleton University)
2003-05-30: E1: Advancing Research and Data Literacy: Empowering Users
Exploiting UK Survey Data Sources for Teaching Political Science: Experiences from the Classroom
Louis Corti (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
Focusing in on Student Learning Outcomes: How SDA Helped us Build a Learning Community for Data Users
Aaron Shrimplin (Miami University, Ohio)
2003-05-30: E2: Metadata Power Tools: Persistent Identifiers, Intelligent Agents, and Metadata Modeling
Persistent Identifiers for Data
Micah Altman (Harvard University)
The Role of Metadata for Integrating Data and Documentation: The OSA Labour Supply Panel - A Case Study
Rob Grim (Institute for Labour Studies)
From Question to Query: An Intelligent Strategy for Making Complex Data Accessible to Novice Users
Albert Anderson (Public Data Queries, Inc.)
Heather Branton (Public Data Queries, Inc.)
Ed Brent (Idea Works)
Pawel Slusarz (Idea Works)
From Question to Query: An Intelligent Strategy for Making Complex Data Accessible to Novice Users
Albert Anderson (Public Data Queries, Inc.)
Heather Branton (Public Data Queries, Inc.)
Ed Brent (Idea Works)
Pawel Slusarz (Idea Works)
2003-05-30: E3: A Leadership Role for Data Archives in the Social Sciences
Relationships among Archives and the Social Science Research Community - The Case of a Successful Relationship
Mojca Omerzu (Social Science Data Archives - ADP)
The Dutch Question Bank
Helga van Gelder (NIWI Steinmetz Archive)
2003-05-30: F1: Balancing Strength of Numbers with Confidentiality
Research Data and Issues of Confidentiality
Olusegun Moses Temilola (Nigeria)
Public Data and a Thriving Democracy: Threats and Opportunities
Lisa Neidert (University of Michigan)
Janet Eisenhauer (University of Wisconsin)
2003-05-30: F2: Transforming Social Science Data Archives
New Directions fo the UK Qualitative Data Service - 2003 and Beyond
Louise Corti (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
To be or not to be. That Shouldn't be the Question!
Ron Dekker (NWO - NL Research Council)
Advances in Data Preservation: The Roper Center Archive Approach
Cindy Teixeira (University of Connecticut)
From Manuscripts to Metadata: Collaborating Working in the Archives Hub
Amanda Hill (University of Manchester)
2003-05-30: F3: The Invisible Force: Supporting Users of Online Services
Online Services for Electronic Records: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Margaret Adams (National Archives and Records Administration)
Backstage at ICPSR: Supporing Users of ICPSR On-line Services
Janet Vavra (ICPSR, University of Michigan)
The Case of the UK Data Archive
Melanie Wright (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
2003-05-30: G1: Data Archive Models and Infrastructure: International Comparisons
Data Services Models: The Results of an International Survey
Chuck Humphrey (University of Alberta)
Medical Research Data and Models for Sharing and Preserving Data: The Case of the UK Medical Research Council
Melanie Wright (UK Data Archive, University of Essex)
2003-05-30: G2: Data Services: A Mix of the New and the Old
Davidson Data Center and Network (DDCN) - Serving the Need for Data on Transition and Emerging Market Economies
Cristina Negrut (University of Michigan)
Recovering and Preserving Data from a Large Long-term Data Collection Project
Joseph Olson (Brigham Young University)
Getting to Know the Score: Using the First 20 Years to Plan the Next
Peter Burnhill (University of Edinburgh)
Alison Bayley (University of Edinburgh)
Getting to Know the Score: Using the First 20 Years to Plan the Next
Peter Burnhill (University of Edinburgh)
Alison Bayley (University of Edinburgh)
2003-05-30: G3: International Statistics: Strength Through Collaboration
Comparability of Cross-National Data: How does the UNESCO Institute for Statistics approach the issue?
Yanhong Zhang (UNESCO Institute for Statistics)
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics: How we decide what data to collect
Diane Stukel (UNESCO Institute for Statistics)
Serving up Statistics to an International Community
Brian Buffett (UNESCO Institute for Statistics)