IASSIST 2002-Accelerating access, collaboration and dissemination
Host city: Storrs, Connecticut, USA
Host: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. University of Connecticut
Dates: June 10-14, 2002
Ordinal: 38
2012-06-11: Workshops
Developing a GIS Data Services Program
Steve Morris (North Carolina State University)
Finding, Evaluating and Using Numeric Data
Julie Linden (Yale University)
An Introduction to Arcview
Steven Citron-Pousty (Yale University)
DDI in Action: the Innovative Data Library using Nesstar Knowledge Products
Simon Musgrave (UKDA)
Jostein Ryssevik ((NSD), Nesstar Ltd.)
2012-06-12: Plenary Session
The Data Archive in the Twenty-First Century - The View from ICPSR
Myron Gutmann (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)
2012-06-12: Session A: eXtreme Intelligence: Pushing Expert Systems to Their Limits
The Prospects for "Intelligent Research"
Ken Reed (Deakin University)
Steven McEachern (University Of Ballarat)
Emerging from the Quagmire: Building Expert Systems Technologies for the Social Sciences
Robert P. Wozniak (Minnesota Population Center)
Clearing the Metadata Hurdle for Inexperienced Users: A Case-Based Reasoning Approach
Edward Brent (Idea Works, Inc.)
Albert F. Anderson (Public Data Queries, Inc.)
Lisa Neidert (University of Michigan)
Pawel Slusarz (Idea Works)
2012-06-12: Session B: The New Frontier for Archives
Public Opinion Data in the National Archives of the United States
Thomas E. Brown (NARA)
Enhancing Access to Qualitative Data Resources: Edwardians Online Project
Louise Corti (UK Data Archive)
Kevin Schürer (UK Data Archive)
In Praise of Data Archives: Finding and recovering the 1963 Kennedy Assassination Study
Tom W. Smith (NORC)
2012-06-12: Session C: Research Portals, or the Truth is Out There
An Internet Portal for Danish Research
Anne Sophie Fink (Danish Data Archives)
Scientific Information Infrastructure for Social Research in Russia
Tatyana Yudina (Moscow State University)
Reaching Your End-user with MIMAS
Jessica Eustace (University of Manchester)
2002-06-13: Plenary Session
An International Perspective on Confidentiality and Access to Governmentally Produced Social Science Data
Pat Doyle (US Bureau of the Census)
Doug Norris (Statistics Canada)
Professor John M. Abowd (Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research)
2002-06-13: Session D: Working Together to Accelerate Access:Data on the Fast Track
Building Collaborative Data Services Upon Dispersed Resources: A Collaboration Model for Accelerating Data Access at Indiana University
Jason (Xiao) Yu (Indiana University)
Entering a New Era -- The European Research Area
Ken Miller ((UK Data Archive))
StatCat: Building a Statistical Data Finder
Julie Linden ((Yale University), Steven Citron-Pousty, Ann Green)
2002-06-13: Session E: GIS Mobilized: One if by Land; Two if by Sea; Three if by Fiber Optics
Geographic Information Retrieval: Searching Text and Data via Common Geography
Fredric Gey (UC Berkeley)
Michael Buckland (UC Berkeley)
Aitao Chen (UC Berkeley)
Ray Larson (UC Berkeley)
The USGS National Map: Delaware Framework DataMIL Pilot Project
Richard Sacher (University of Delaware)
Integrating Data Resources with the Library Catalog
Steven Morris (North Carolina State University)
2002-06-13: Session F: Poll Data: Enabling Greater Access and Re-use
Enhancing Access: Roper Center Efforts Towards Data Integration
Marc Maynard (Roper Center)
Encouraging Secondary Analysis of Public Opinion Poll Data
Shawn Marie Pelak (ICPSR)
Enriching Access to Opinion Poll Data: The Experience of the UK Data Archive
Kevin Schürer (UK Data Archive)
2002-06-13: Session G: Tuning Up Your Web Site: Increasing Its Usability
Electronic Collaboration with Distant Partners: The (Success) Story of the IASSIST Web Action Group
Robin Rice (Edinburgh University)
Creating Accessible Style and Content for MIMAS Social Sciences Web Pages
Stuart Smith (University of Manchester)
Web Usability: The Key to Success on the Web
Colleen Blessing (US Dept of Energy)
Marianne Zawitz (US Dept of Justice)
2002-06-13: Session H: M-Squared: Metadata Matters
MetaNet: Standardising Statistical Metadata Methodology
Karen Brannen (University of Edinburgh)
Harmonization and Integration of Metadata: An Urgent Task for the Future Efficient Use of the Web
Dusan Soltes (Comenius University)
XML: Schemas, Names and Confusion
Daniel Gillman (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
2002-06-13: Session I: Make It Faster, Make It Bigger: Developments in Data Delivery System's
New Developments in Open Source Digital Library Tools
Micah Altman (Harvard University)
The Internet Data Library System, Version 2: A Canadian Data Delivery Experience
Vince Gray ((University of Western Ontario))
Web-based Access to Complex UK Census Data-Sets
O.W. Duke-Williams (University of Leeds)
J.C.H. Stillwell (University of Leeds)
2002-06-14: Plenary Session
Recent Developments in Data Access and Implications for DataArchives
Jen Darragh (Pennsylvania State University)
Lisa Neidert (University of Michigan)
Mary Vardigan (ICPSR)
Kevin Schürer (UK Data Archive)
2002-06-14: Session J: A New Topical Data Archive: Building a Research Infrastructure for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies in the U.S.
Academics, Journalists, Policy Makers and Artists: Mapping One Road for All
Elizabeth Bennett (Princeton University)
Cultural Policy and the Arts: Overview of the Field
Ann Gray (Princeton University)
Developing a new Data Archive in a Time of Developing Standards
Vernon Leighton (Princeton University)
2002-06-14: Session K: Putting DDI on the Road: What's in the Metadata Toolbox?
DDI Tools: The MN perspective
Mike Haarman (University of Minnesota)
DDI Files from New Data Collections
Tom Piazza (UC Berkeley)
The Metadata Toolbox: A User's Perspective on DDI
Janet Eisenhauer Smith (University of Wisconsin)
ICPSR's Use of DDI
Mary Vardigan ((ICPSR))
DDI-Publishing Made Easy-the Nesstar Way
Jostein Ryssevik ((NSD), Nesstar Ltd.)
2002-06-14: Session L: Accelerated Learning Environments: A Discussion on Collaboration & Dissemination of Teaching Materials
Preparing a New Generation of Researchers: Introductory Sociology & Research Methods
Grant Blank (American University)
Sharing Instructional Materials Through the Web
John Korey (California State Polytechnic University)
MOTV: Research Methods and Data Resources for Social Sciences? A Case of Finland
Tuomas J. Alaterä (Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
Sami Borg (Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
2002-06-14: Session M: Delivering the U.K. Census: Web-Based Access
Let us Bring You to Your Census: Recent Developments in UK Census Data Provision
Lucy Bell ((UK Data Archive))
Learning and teaching with the UK Census
Jackie Carter (University of Manchester)
Cressida Chappell (UK Data Archive)
Web-based Access to the 2001 Sample of Anonymised Records (SAR's) from the UK Census: Opportunities for Learning and Teaching
Mark Brown (University of Manchester)
Stuck on the Census: UK Historical Censuses Online
Hamish James ((UK Data Archive), Cressida Chappell, Mark Merry, Gustavo de Souza)
2002-06-14: Session N: Watching DDI In Action: Implementation of a Standard
Developing a DDI Back-Office
Ron Dekker (NWO)
Trials and Tribulations of Developing DDI-Compliant Codebooks at the University of Guelph
Michelle Edwards (University of Guelph)
Carol Perry (University of Guelph)
WebDAIS/DDMS - A new version of NESSTAR
Bill Bradley (Health Canada)
Jostein Ryssevik (Health Canada)
Simon Musgrave (Health Canada)
Prem Khosla (Health Canada)
2002-06-14: Session O: The Faster it Moves, The Harder it is to Preserve
NARA's High Capacity Magnetic Media Study
Michael Carlson (NARA)
Digital Preservation: Maintaining History's Rear-View Mirror
Janet Vavra (ICPSR)
Designing an e-journal archive: report of a planning project at Harvard University
Diane Garner (Harvard College Library)