By Bobray Bordelon | May 6, 2022
It is with great sadness that I report the death of Judith S. Rowe at the age of 91 on May 5, 2022. She was a founding member of IASSIST in 1974 and its president from 1985-1988. She received the IASSIST achievement award in 2000.

Judith was a prolific author. She was constantly lobbying for improved government statistical reporting and was considered a foremost expert on the USA census. She was a pioneer in the creation of the Census Bureaus’ State Data Center program in 1979. She also had elected positions in the Association of Public Data Users (1980-1982) and the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics (1982-1983). She was one of the great pioneers of the social science data field.
In 1999, Judith reflected her life in data in “The Decades of My Life” ( Judith’s beloved husband Peter preceded her in death, but she is survived by 3 children and grandchildren. Judith was a mentor to me and so many others internationally. She led a remarkable life, and we owe much of the foundations of our profession to her.