By Joy Judith Nyangoma | March 2, 2021
This workshop was held at the College of Computing and Information Sciences within Makerere University with participants attending either physically and virtually. Remember, IASSIST has been in existence for 40 years and still growing higher and higher.

Several themes were discussed and each participant, according to their presentations, had put in much effort to share at the Africa Regional Workshop. A presentation by Kofi Dokli took my attention because, as they planted maize and backyard farming of, they also did family backyard farming in cucumber and okra, they also found out variances in the weather between northern and southern Ghana. Here in Uganda, we do carry out a census on agriculture and livestock though we are yet to collect information on weather variances during crop growth in the different districts.
Generally, the different themes emphasized knowing how to collect data and to rightly disseminate it, for example to whom and why.
The workshop was educative. It focused on data dissemination as presented in the different presentations made by the authors. For example, each data must be given out to the public as soon as it is released; old data appreciates as well the more it is used hence it’s importance; and the need for setting up data banks in every district is a favour to its people to access data.
Like the majority of workshop participants agreed, let’s have soft skills like PowerPoint to enable us give only points for discussion by the presenters.

I conclude by thanking very much IASSIST Fellows Committee, for having given me a fellowship to attend the IASSIST 1st Regional Workshop that was held here in Uganda. It was an educative one with the spice of different professionals, handling data. Thank you for this great opportunity.