By administrator | January 1, 2020
The iBlog was born as IASSIST Communiqué as early as in 2005. It emphasised news and discussion. Today, there are social media platforms available for this purpose, but the basic topic guidelines for iBlog entries can still be derived from the initial definitions.
Thinking of submitting a blog entry?
iBlog posts should be news about all aspects of research data and research data professionals, as well ass news about IASSIST groups or members and their work - written by our members. The entries are not expected to represent the official positions of IASSIST, but should be constructive, unbiased, and lead to positive results. In particular, conference-related entries and texts that promote the sharing, preservation, and access to research data and describe the best practices in data curation, data services and learning opportunities are especially welcome.
News about IASSIST members and their work is also welcome. iBlog is always ready to provide a place when IASSIST members wish to share their achievements during the life of a data professional.
If you would like to submit a blog post, please contact the Communications Committee using the contact form or directly at communications ( at )