By l.martinez-uribe | November 3, 2011
The Latin Engagement Action Group have come up with a number of outreach activities aimed at supporting data professionals from Spanish and Portuguese speaking educational institutions, namely:
1. Research Data Management Webinars (complete with IASSIST contribution) for Spanish/Portuguese data specialists (
Stuart Macdonald and Luis Martínez-Uribe in collaboration with Alicia López Medina (UNED, Spain), the Spanish Agency of Science and Technology (FECYT) and the network of Spanish repositories RECOLECTA have organised a programme of webinars in 3 strands starting in October to discuss RDM issues:
Strand 1 is dedicated to Research Data Management Strategy (presentations from FECYT, RedIris, Simon Hodson (JISC Managing Research Data (MRD) Programme Manager)
Strand 2 - RDM Tools and models (presentations from Sarah Jones on DAF/DMP online (DCC) and Stuart Macdonald (EDINA) on IASSIST Latin Engagement, RDM at Edinburgh & Research Data MANTRA
Strand 3 - Research Data Management Experiences (presentations from Kate McNeil-Harman (MIT) , Luis Martinez Uribe (Institute Juan March), colleagues from University of Porto
Several members of IASSIST have been invited and the work of the group will be presented in order to keep promoting the organization to colleagues in Spain, Portugal and Latin-America.
2. Preparation of a Latin-American session in next IASSIST annual conference in collaboration with outreach committee
Organise another Latin-American session at IASSIST 2012 (complete with NGO representation) led by Bobray Bordelan (Princeton). Liaise with the outreach to fund and invite data professional colleagues from Latin America to participate in this session.
3. Spanish and Portuguese translation of the main pages of the IASSIST site - May 2012
Working with the IASSIST web editor Robin Rice to scope and implement (voluntary) translation of the main landing pages on the IASSIST website (e.g. Home page, About page, Becoming a member if IASSIST, FAQ, IASSIST at a Glance, About IQ, Instruction for Authors)
Image: Toledo by Pat Barker on Flickr, CC-BY-NC licence