By m.vardigan | November 3, 2010
In response to NSF’s new requirement for data management plans in grant applications, ICPSR recently rolled out new Web pages providing guidance on how to create such plans effectively:
The guidelines provide a detailed list of the possible elements of a data management plan, developed through a scan of existing recommendations for such plans from around the world. The site provides some examples of data management plans as well as links to related resources. Because some researchers may decide to deposit their research data with ICPSR as part of a data management plan, the site also offers information on how to deposit data with ICPSR.
We plan to update our guidelines regularly, and welcome any suggestions or new examples via email at
By the way, next week is ICPSR’s Virtual Social Science Data Fair – – and two presentations on Monday, November 8, are devoted to data management. Enrollment is still open, so please join us.