By San | May 16, 2007
The conference is on and I’m hoping to see lots of blog entries from the interesting sessions today. I’m expecting some details on session A1 from another contributor but…. I’ve been asked by Kristin Partlo to pass along the proposals she and Rachael Barlow outlined at the end of their presentation for further comment. So here they are! This part of the session was on social bookmarking using sites such as and furl. Kristin and Rachael would like to see a collaborative use of such sites within the IASSIST community and have made some proposals to that end. Comment away and let the blogging begin!
Proposals for IASSIST
How can IASSIST use these [social bookmarking] technologies to create a more interactive community of data providers, users, and seekers?
Here are some ways we could start:
Proposal 1: Create a network of IASSIST members: Identify who within IASSIST is using tagging and bookmarking services. Share our usernames with each other
Proposal 2: Use a shared tag to link our bookmarks sets
Proposal 3: Decide on official tagging service for IASSIST members
Proposal 4: Develop a tagroll for the IASSIST blog?
Proposal 5: Teaching tagging to students and faculty
Submitted on behalf of Kristin Partlo.