By administrator | November 2, 2006
The conference theme for IASSIST 2007, Building Global Knowledge Communities with Open Data, is very timely given new interest in defining and describing the open data concept. This week Peter Murray-Rust, who spearheads the SPARC-Opendata discussion list, posted a message announcing his entry for Open Data in the Wikipedia and inviting others to contribute to this entry.
Robin Rice responded to Peter’s message with a copy of the IASSIST call for papers, which resulted in the following obervation from Peter: “Many of [the topics in the call for papers] have a close overlap with the topics at the Science Commons meeting and it is clear that Open Data is likely to become more widely used. It will be particularly interesting to see what comes from the principles of open data, which I think is a key area the list should be concentrating on. It will be very useful if these can be formulated in such as way that they complement (or extend) things like the Open Access declarations.”
The Science Commons meeting to which Peter is referring occurred October 2-3, 2006 in Washington, D.C.
Also announced on the SPARC-Opendata list yesterday was the release of the final report from the ARL-NSF consultation from the end of September 2006. To Stand the Test of Time: Long-term Stewardship of Digital Data Sets in Science and Engineering is available at the ARL website (see our blog entry Academic libraries and data for more information about this consultation.)
- Chuck Humphrey