By San | December 15, 2005
The IASSIST Quarterly (IQ Vol. 28 issue 4) is now available on the web: The issue has articles about the following topics:
- Wikipedia. Oliver Watteler from the data archive (Zentralarchiv) in Cologne in Germany – part of GESIS – presents us for the fundamentals of Wiki: The Wikipedia is a Web-based encyclopedia that has quickly grown in substance and in use. It is a free and copyleft product to be used, read, updated and improved by anyone. Oliver Watteler is proposing a wikipedia for IASSIST members with coverage of typical IASSIST topics.
- Chiu-Chuang (Lu) Chou is a senior special librarian at the Data and Program Library Service (DPLS) at University of Wisconsin Madison, United States. She reports from a workshop on Statistical Disclosure Control for Data Confidentiality and the ARGUS software with the function of being able to “modify unsafe data in such a way that safe (enough) data emerge, with minimum information loss”. A main concern is balancing the need for data and the need for confidentiality.
- At the IASSIST conference in Edinburgh 2005 there was a session on “New Insights in Providing Data Services: A Variety of Evidence”. The presentation on “Data archiving at the US Central Bank” was given by Linda Powell, who works at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Her article demonstrates and discusses several challenges in connection with the diverse pool of data, user access from several platforms as well as the growth of data archiving.
The printed version will shortly be mailed out in paper form to the IASSIST membership. Articles for the IQ are sent to the editor. But please observe that there is a paper contest running. The IASSIST has announced a publication award for 2006. Papers that participate for the award should be sent to David Sheaves Contributed by Karsten Boye Rasmussen Editor of IASSIST Quarterly