Posted to IASSIST on: 2017-02-15
Employer: The Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina
Employer URL:
The primary purpose of this position is to (1) provide management for the Odum Institute social science data archive to include archive materials, systems and staff; (2) provide ongoing data management and archive support for researchers in the social and behavioral sciences at [UNC]{.caps}-Chapel Hill and to external users; (3) interface with data producers and institutional partners to promote ongoing collection development; (4) support grant activities related to the archive functions of the Institute; and (5) contribute to the profession through conference participation and research publication.
- Advanced degree in Information and Library Science.
- An advanced degree in information science with coursework or minimum of 2 years experience in digital data archives is required.
- Minimum of 2 years supervisory experience. Experience in grant writing is required. Demonstrated proficiency in [CSS]{.caps}, [HTML]{.caps}, JavaScript, and [SQL]{.caps}, with a strong aptitude for learning more complex programming languages and code.
- Background knowledge in social science research principles and techniques including statistical software packages (e.g., [SAS]{.caps}, [SPSS]{.caps}, and [STATA]{.caps}) is strongly desired.
Archived on: 2017-02-16