Posted to IASSIST on: 2016-09-26
Employer: University of California, Davis
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The University of California, Davis invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professor or recently tenured associate professor in the social studies of data and data science including the scientific, political, social, and scholarly use and creation of data. Experience and a genuine interest in working in a collaborative environment and especially in collaborating with data scientists are highly desired.
The successful applicant will be appointed in the Science and Technology Studies Program, with expectation for cross-appointment in an emergent multidisciplinary data science program. The appointee is expected to actively participate in the growing interdisciplinary team of the Data Science Initiative and to take a central role in teaching in and developing a new Data Studies minor. Aimed at social science and humanities students, this minor is designed to introduce students to data science concepts and techniques, teach them to critically analyze and contextualize data questions and results, and prepare them to collaborate with data scientists in work environments. Applicants should have expertise in at least one of these areas: ethnography and history of the scientific, political, social, and scholarly use and creation of data, computational media, software studies, as well the ethics, law, and policy of data. Applicants should be prepared to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in STS and on topics related to critical approaches to data science, data visualization, information ethics, privacy and policy, and introductory courses in data analysis using Excel, R, or equivalent
A Ph.D. in either science and technology studies, anthropology, media studies, cultural studies, communication, sociology, or a related field should be completed or near completion by September 19, 2017. Applicants should be prepared to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in data studies.
Archived on: 2016-09-27