Posted to IASSIST on: 2016-01-28
Employer: Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank
Employer URL:
This new position will manage a team of three library staff as part of the Center for the Advancement for Data and Research in Economics (CADRE). In addition to continuing to provide reference services, strategic collection development, and other information services, this team will spearhead new research support initiatives such as curation of research data, promotion of Bank research and analytical output, and educating the research staff on issues related to intellectual property and emerging measures and metrics for assessing the scholarly impact of publications and other forms of scholarly expression.
Key Activities:
Develop and implement data management, data curation, and data publication and access initiatives, working closely with the technology staff, researchers, and others.
Lead the library and the Bank in developing a vision for policies, strategies, programs, and staffing that supports and advances scholarly expression by researchers across the variety of business lines engaged in such work. Work with Board and System library and research staff to fully account for potential partnerships and shared services, leveraging existing relationships and collaborations where available and appropriate and suggesting new connections or associations where necessary.
Work closely with Legal, Public Affairs, Information Security, and others to develop mechanisms that can enable the dissemination of research products such as computer code and data and help address specific questions regarding intellectual property and licensing, as well as related questions with confident and reliable answers.
Actively and purposefully manage current library staff to ensure full engagement and appropriate application of talents and resources while making measurable strides towards the strategic vision of operating as a vital and vibrant organization focused on connecting users with information and data to support activities along the entire span of the research lifecycle.
Provides direction, feedback, and assesses performance for professional staff and/or other members of management with minimal direction from a more senior management member.
The successful candidate is expected to be active professionally and to contribute to developments in the field.
[ALA-accredited graduate degree or accredited graduate degree in an appropriate discipline required]{.text}
[At least 5 years of professional experience with at least 3 years of a progressively growing portfolio in leadership and administration of research libraries required.]{.text}
[Demonstrated and broad knowledge and expertise regarding scholarly communications and scholarly publishing issues preferred. ]{.text}
[Deep understanding of scholarly and research enterprise at research universities or other research oriented institutions preferred.]{.text}
[Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the evolving digital context for scholarship, research, teaching, and creative expression preferred.]{.text}
[Wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of scholarly publishing initiatives in research libraries, including technology platforms for publishing, staffing options, and business models preferred. ]{.text}
[Experience with new information technologies preferred.]{.text}
[Strong interpersonal, collaboration, and teambuilding skills preferred. ]{.text}
[Impeccable presentation, written, and oral communication skills preferred.]{.text}
Archived on: 2016-02-04