Posted to IASSIST on: 2015-12-10
Employer: Syracuse University
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CQMI’s Associate Director, plays two central roles. First, s/he oversees CQMI’s administration, operations, and finances, administering CQMI’s programs and initiatives within Syracuse University as well as the various aspects of qualitative research infrastructure [CQMI]{.caps} hosts including the Qualitative Data Repository ([QDR]{.caps}), the Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, two Cambridge University Press book series, and other related activities. Second, s/he provides substantive support for [QDR]{.caps}, developing guidance documents, engaging in outreach and data recruitment, and actively interacting with QDR’s actual and potential user base.
- A Master’s degree or equivalent graduate degree in Library Science, Information Science, Data Science, or a related field OR in a social science or humanities discipline with a tradition of generating and using qualitative data, including but not limited to Political Science, Sociology, History, or Anthropology.
- In addition to the expertise implied by the credentials listed below, he or she will also have experience or coursework in technology and data administration.
- The position requires excellent communication skills, and the ability to interact effectively with an international community of scholars, students and practitioners.
- Flexibility and the ability to engage in multiple responsibilities and obligations simultaneously are also necessary.
- Ability to self-start, to work independently and as part of a team, and to help to direct team activities when necessary are likewise required.
- Management-level administrative experience in an academic setting is strongly preferred.
Archived on: 2015-12-14