Posted to IASSIST on: 2013-06-27
Employer: Pennsylvania State University Libraries
Employer URL: http://geospatial services
he Pennsylvania State University Libraries seeks a creative and service-oriented geospatial services librarian for a tenure-track faculty position, serving as the subject specialist for the geospatial data and maps collections at the University Park campus. This position is part of the Libraries Research Hub, a collaborative effort to build a central service point within Pattee/Paterno Library for advanced researchers.
The Geospatial Services Librarian reports to the Head of the Social Sciences Library and will work collaboratively as part of the Research Hub’s Data and Geospatial User Services team (consisting of the Geospatial Services Librarian, the Social Sciences Data Specialist, the GIS Specialist, the Statistical Consultant, and GIS Interns) to provide strategic vision and leadership in developing and promoting a suite of geospatial services for faculty, staff, and students.
Reference and Research: Provide reference assistance and one-on-one research consultation for geospatial information and maps research at all levels in person at the Research Hub, in the Donald W. Hamer Maps Library, at other key library service points, and with our online learning programs (particularly with the GIS certification program).
Liaison Activities: Identify and cultivate partnerships with other university programs and departments on geospatial initiatives, particularly those with an emphasis on human geography, ecology, and mapping. Participate in the activities of key university groups engaged in geospatial information initiatives, including (but not limited to): Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA), the Social Sciences Research Institute, AgExtension, the Population Research Institute’s Geographic Information Analysis (GIA Core), and The GeoVISTA Center.
Lead and develop geospatial/GIS projects for the Maps Library to enhance access traditional collections. Supervise the Maps Library GIS Specialist and GIS Interns.
Teaching, learning and literacies: Design and deliver a geospatial literacy program that supports the academic curriculum across the University.
Collections content and access: Evaluate GIS and mapping resources. Build, maintain, and assess collections of spatial data from university and local, state, and federal government sources, as well as from commercial sources to support research and teaching needs across the University. Collaborate with librarians in related subject areas to identify spatial data needs.
Scholarly communications: Provide assistance in the use and management of spatial data. Assist in educating and informing faculty and graduate students on scholarly communication issues such as open access initiatives, digital publishing, copyright, and digital curation. Promote and provide assistance in the use of Scholarsphere, Penn State’s repository service.
Research and service: Engage in research, scholarly publication, and professional service activities in areas appropriate to academic librarianship and geospatial information systems.
Diversity: Support diversity initiatives that create a welcoming and inclusive climate at the University Libraries.
- Master of Library Science degree from an ALA-accredited institution or an advanced degree in a relevant discipline. Experience with geographical information systems, and knowledge of ESRI’s ArcGIS software. Familiarity with geospatial methods, spatial data formats and models, and spatial statistics. Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a team environment; excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills; and the potential to achieve the requirements for tenure and promotion in the areas of librarianship, research and service. Please visit to learn more about the university Libraries Promotion and Tenure Guidelines.
*Preferred Qualifications:
- Relevant experience at an academic or research library. Familiarity with one or more standard statistical software packages such as SAS, SPSS, or STATA and with UNIX. Experience with a programing language such as Python or PHP is highly desirable.
Archived on: 2013-07-31