Posted to IASSIST on: 2011-07-08
Employer: Brigham Young University
Employer URL:
The College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences at Brigham Young University is seeking a Data Analyst and Statistical Consultant to:
- Provide appropriate resources in quantitative and statistical methods to support the instructional goals and programs of the departments in the college
- Provide advice and consultation on research design, data collection, data entry, and data quality control
- Help researchers identify appropriate methods and software for the statistical analysis of research data
- Assist and advise the students and faculty of the college in a broad range of data management and statistical analysis functions
- Help researchers and student research assistants identify, locate, and acquire available existing data, and would help them build, manage, and document new research data sets
- Provide expertise, instruction, and assistance on advanced or specialized statistical techniques used in the social sciences (Generalized Linear Models, Event History Analysis, Multilevel Models, Structural Equation Models, etc.)
Archived on: 2011-07-31