Posted to IASSIST on: 2007-08-06
Employer: Congressional Research Service, Washington DC
Employer URL:
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) seeks a Data Librarian to serve in the CRS Knowledge Services Group (KSG). The KSG provides authoritative information research and comprehensive knowledge management practices to the CRS research community and Congress.
The Data Librarian will be responsible for developing the guidelines and policies for CRS qualitative/quantitative data collections and overseeing their implementation. Major duties include 1) identifying, assessing, and recommending qualitative and quantitative (text-analysis) data sets; 2) interpreting documentation, assisting with transferring files and importing data; 3) acquiring, storing, and maintaining data sets; 4) identifying data sets for users and assisting them to use the data; 5) managing the integration of existing data sets. In addition, the Data Librarian will maintain knowledge of current and emerging information research methodologies; serve as an expert in social sciences resources as well as multidisciplinary sources; and develop and coordinate the spatial data services of the division.
Candidates with a background in librarianship and knowledge of social science resources and methods are encouraged to apply. Experience in the identification and use of data sets would be helpful for the position.
Archived on: 2007-08-30