IASSIST Report of the African Regional Secretary
Kizito Kasozi
Director Information Technology
Uganda Bureau of Statistics
This report is centered on the recent developments in the African region. Since the introduction of the micro-data management toolkit in 2003, Africa has realized more of national datasets documented and archived. With support from the Accelerated Data Program (ADP) and International Household Survey Network, Africa has been able to create valuable national data archives. In addition to that, efforts towards general improvement in data management are being realized. More support is being realized from alternative partners. The challenge lies in the level of commitment and ultimate sustainability of these efforts.
National Data Archives (NADA)
Since the last report more countries have advanced in developing national data archives. Below is the current status of the NADA development.
Cote Devoir - 18
Ethiopia - 80
Gambia - 10
Ghana - 15
Lesotho - 3
Liberia - 9
Malawi - 3
Mozambique - 11
Niger - 41
Nigeria - 23
Senegal - 22
Uganda - 11
Zambia - 23
DataFirst - 15
SADA - 150
ADP/IHSN has continued to support this activity as well as other areas aimed at improving data quality and accessibility. Links to the NADAs can be found on the AASDA and ADP websites or individual country websites.
Country updates
South Africa
DataFirst has been contracted as an official regional implementation partner with the Accelerated Data Program (ADP) in supporting data management at National Statistics Offices (NSOs) in African countries. In this contractual framework they have installed the National Data Archive (NADA) software at NSOs in Malawi and Zambia in September 2009 and later upgraded the Mozambique NADA in December 2009.
In May 2009, DataFirst hosted and trained participants form Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe in data curation at a workshop organized by the World Bank.
In other related developments Ms. Lynn Woolfrey from DataFirst has made presentation at different forums. Notably are the 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute in Durban, South Africa in August 2009 and the Zambia National Microdata Dissemination Policy Workshop held in Lusaka, Zambia in April 2010 on behalf of the ADP. In she also released a publication entitled “Knowledge Utilisation for Governance in Africa: evidence-based decision-making and the role of Survey Data Archives in the region”
DataFirst received an award in the data dissemination category at the Statistics South Africa 2009 awards ceremony in Johannesburg in November 2009.
Uganda hosted the Regional Workshop on Data Management in Kampala, in August 2009. The workshop was organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in collaboration with the African Centre for Statistics, United Nations Statistics Division, the African Development Bank and Uganda Burea of Statistics. The workshop aimed at updating participants from the different countries on the latest practices and innovations in data management. Ms. Lynn Wooflrey from DataFirst and Mr. Kizito Kasozi made presentation on practices and progress in data curation in Africa. The workshop strongly recommended open access to national data and collegial networking among the many recommendations.
A similar training workshop on innovative tools and techniques for statistical data management is to be held in Rabat, Morocco from June 1-4 2010 for selected Francophone African countries.
African Association of Statistical Data Archivists (AASDA)
There was no significant activity by the association. All planned activities could not be implemented due to lack of funding. There is still very low commitment from the members.