Meeting of the General Assembly, Thursday, June 2, 2011 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
1. Welcome
2. Approval of Minutes from 2010 Meeting
MOVED to approve the minutes of the annual general meeting of June 3rd, 2010 as submitted. Moved: W. Watkins, seconded M. Edwards. The motion CARRIED.
3. Treasurer’s Report - J. Green
The treasury is healthy. Last year we made a small profit and we have sufficient reserves. The committees will be discussing details of making an investment in the areas of administrative structure and the Fellows program.
4. Regional Reports - distributed on the table
Regional reports were distributed on the tables. They can also be found on the public and membership web sites.
5. Introduction of newly elected Regional Secretaries
Two new regional secretaries take office this year. L. Woolfrey is the new regional secretary for Africa, S. Spencer is the new regional secretary for Asia-Pacific, and the other positions remain unchanged.
6. Committee Reports
Communication – R. Rice and K. Boye Rasmussen
R. Rice reported that the Publications Committee will become the Communications Committee. There will need to be a new charge as we think carefully about the ways IASSIST communicates. W. Piovesan has stepped down as chair and R. Rice will take his place. In a “web site by the numbers” report, R. Rice mentioned some of the work of the twelve members of the web team: they have held 20 Skype meetings, twelve featured members, eleven years of past conference presentations, all back issues of the IQ are scanned and will be posted soon, 301 tweets and a few less Facebook posts, thirty-four blog posts, and one hundred new resources on data management and curation. All members are able to post to the blog – use the “contact us” for questions. K. Boye Rasmussen said that there is a short report on the web site that everyone should check out. He also encouraged everyone to participate through authoring articles or editing.
Education – M. Edwards
Outgoing chair M. Edwards thanked all the workshop presenters. She looks forward to working with the committee as it becomes the Professional Development Committee, which will be chaired by P. Lackie and L. Kellam.
Membership – L. Timms-Ferera
The organization has 285 members and we are growing. The proportion made up by US members has shrunk from 70% to 50%, reflecting that we are more diverse now, too. Eleven per cent of members are from government. More details are in the report on the web site. The new chair for membership will be T. Lindsay.
Constitutional Review – A. Green
The committee has been working on a review of the constitution to bring it up to date and reflect the strategic plan. The goal is to have a final draft to the Administrative Committee and then have the membership review it before a vote in December.
Elections – E. Boyko
2011 is an election year and there are new officers to report. B. Block will be the incoming president and T. Alaterä will be vice president. The full listing of election results are on the web site.
IASSIST Fellows – P. Lackie
There are some questions about how we will move forward with outreach. This year IASSIST funded a Bolivian Fellow, E. Barbosa. New people will be in the leadership role: J. Roberts will become the chair with a co-chair who is yet to be announced. The Professional Development Committee will have an upcoming membership survey, which will help us recruit for Fellows.
Program – T. Alaterä, B. Downs, E. Boyko
Thanks to all the committee chairs. There are many great presentations to come. There will be a great team working on the program next year: P. Heus from the World Bank, W. Zenk-Moeltgen from GESIS, and J. Carlson from Purdue.
7. Conference Reports and Announcements
The conference in Ithaca made over $6000 in profit and had much higher attendance than normal. T. Mulcahy and NORC will host IASSIST 2012 in DC, June 4-8. From May 29 to June 3, 2013 GESIS will host the conference in Cologne, Germany. Expressions of interest are welcome for 2014-2015.
8. Action Groups
Membership Survey Action Group – S. Mowers
R. Womack and T. Lindsay worked on this group. We hope to have a survey out by early summer. Thanks to all who worked on the survey and we encourage everyone to participate in the survey when it comes out.
Organizational Linkages Action Group – L. Kellam
The role of this group is to create links from IASSIST to other groups doing data. A good example is the ACRL DIG group led by J. Darragh. If you are in another organization, give me your business card to create linkages.
e-Community Infrastructure Action Group – B. Wandschneider and R. Nakao
We completed everything in the charge for this group and from here on it is being rolled into the work of the Communications Committee.
Interest Group Development Action Group
No report.
Data Management Curation and Good Practices Action Group – K. McNeill
The initial mission of this group is accomplished with the completion of a set of resources around data curation and management. We want your thoughts on how this resource is serving you.
Engaging Spanish Speakers AG – L. Martinez, S. Macdonald
We will be starting with a focus on Spain, then moving to Portugal and South America. We will have more to report at the next conference.
9. Interest Groups
Interest Group on Human Subjects Review Committee and Privacy and Confidentiality in Research – L Bishop
This is a new group, but no one is here to report.
Data Citation Interest Group – M. Vardigan
M. Vardigan reported on this group that she is co-chairing with M. Witt. They are communicating over Google Groups – 16 people met yesterday. Please consider joining.
10. Other Business
11. Adjourn
M. Wright wants to say goodbye and feels good about handing things over to B. Block.
MOVED to adjourn the annual general meeting. Moved: E. Boyko; seconded B. Block. The motion CARRIED.