Meeting of the General Assembly, Thursday, May 28, 2009, Tampere, Finland
1. Welcome – M Wright, President
2. Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM (2008)
Minutes for 2008 are labeled 2007. Motion to accept as amended passes.
3. Executive Officers Report
Treasurer – J Green
The organization is still fiscally sound despite the recession. The 2008 conference made a profit. Membership is currently at 312, which is about fifty members above average. The new membership database is up and available. If you did not receive an email from Jennifer Green, go to Please log in and change your password from the default and fill out your profile. Send any questions to
4. Regional Reports
Will be on the website.
5. Committee Reports
Education Committee
The workshops went well and a report is forthcoming.
Publications Committee
The committee is soliciting authors for the blog. Contact San Cannon if you are interested. The Web site will be migrated to Joomla. Volunteers interested in participating in the migration should contact Robin Rice.
International Outreach Committee
The committee has been renamed “Committee for IASSIST Fellows.” Most of this year’s fellowships were funded by IFDO (5000 Euros) and member dues. The committee list will be moved to the membership database. New members are welcome. Contact Paula Lackie if you are interested.
6. Action/Interest Group Reports
IRB Interest Group
All is well.
eCommunity Infrastructure Action Group
A new action group is being formed; look for a charge coming soon. Contact Bo Wandschneider if interested.
Strategic Planning Action Group
A report was given on the survey taken this year. Details will be available in a session at 2:00 today. Joel Herndon is looking for volunteers; contact him directly if interested.
7. Conferences
2008 Conference - slight profit.
2009 Conference - no profit but will break even
2010 Conference - will be held at Cornell in Ithaca, NY. The venue will be the Statler Hotel on Cornell campus, part of Cornell’s Hospitality Management Program
2012 Conference - there has been an expression of interest from Australia, but it is not formal yet
8. Elections
Incoming and outgoing elected officers were recognized. It was emphasized that conference attendance is not compulsory for holding office and that there will soon be clarification on the expectations of IASSIST officer positions.
9. Motion to adjourn
Moved, seconded and carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:33pm.