Meeting of the General Assembly, Thursday, May 29, 2008, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA
1. Welcome – M Wright, President
The meeting was called to order at 12:49 with about 210 (-7%) persons present.
2. Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM (2007)
It was noted that the phrase ‘website engineer’ should be replaced by ‘web site editor’.
MOVED to approve the minutes of the annual general meeting of May 25, 2006 as amended. Moved: E Boyko, L Timms-Ferrara. The motion CARRIED.
3. New appointments – M Wright
The president announced the appointment of J Herndon to replace B Block as member at large of the Administrative Committee, the appointment of an archivist – Amy West, chairing the new ‘Organizational Memory Action Group’ and the appointment of Kristin Partlo as secretary.
4. IASSIST 2009
The program co-chairs for the 2009 conference will be B Wandschneider and K McNeill-Harman. T Alaterä referred to the 2009 conference web site. The conference will be held in the same week in May as the current conference.
5. Reports of officers
President & Vice-president – M Wright & B Block
The report focused on strategic renewal, growth of the membership, and its increasing heterogeneity. The Associations 1st strategic plan covered the years 2004–2009. A new Strategic Plan Action Group is being chaired by J Herndon. All standing committees are charged to examine their mandates and spheres of activity. A discussion list will be set up shortly to solicit views of members.
Treasurer – J Green
The membership is stable, new rates reflecting current state of US$. Have a surplus of $125,000 (mostly in Canadian & UK funds). The budget for the current year was presented.
6. Reports of regional secretaries
Europe – M Kleemola
There have been lots of projects and organizational changes in Europe, including CESSDA, PPP and ESS, a third round of which data were released last autumn. Organizational reform has occurred in Switzerland, Sweden, etc and Finland.
Asia/Pacific – S Holloway
National Archive in Australia has a new head.
Canada – B Wandschneider
The Canadian report will be available on the web site. Research data network expanding (15 RDCs and 9 branches). CIHR has formulated a new policy on data deposit & access. CISTI is sponsoring working group on research data in Canada. CARL data management working group.
Africa – K Kasozi
The report will be available on the web site. There have been developments in data curation. Some members have data archives. As a result of an International Household Survey Network sponsored meeting in Capetown, have formulated the following objectives: (1) platform to identify IASSIST in the region, (2) identify all other professionals in the region. Also establishing a Google groups forum. The secretariat aims to so increase membership in the region, and make it feasible for members to attend.
USA – P Baxter
A pre-release version of the report is on the web. There have been changes in Census Bureau leadership. DATA-PASS has funding for another 18 months from Library of Congress. And the Roper Center is advancing the Latin American collection.
7. Reports of committees
Membership Committee – L Timms-Ferrara.
Membership is growing, with approximately 20% of the membership in Europe, 20% in Canada, and 50% in the United States. Other regions are also growing.
Publications – W Piovesan
The committee is charged with meeting the objectives of the Association, and considering more initiatives. The IQ is going off print, but implementation is progressing slowly. Proof-readers making it easier for non-English speakers to publish. Now will turn these into reviewed/refereed journal. Should make it more attractive for members to publish in it.
International Outreach Committee – P Lackie
Progress over the 11 years has been impressive. Now it is time to rethink the objectives of this committee – outreach may no longer fit current climate. Members are encouraged to contribute any ideas.
Nominations & Elections Committee – E Boyko
2009 is an election year. Per the constitution, half of the regional representatives are to be elected for 4 year term, as well as regional secretaries and the executive. It is time to think in terms of renewal. Will put together a summary of what the positions responsibilities are. In September there will be a call for nominations on the listserv. In order to participate, members need to have paid dues by Jan 2009. The election will use an electronic election service. By January, the Committee with have a slate of candidates. The election itself will be held in the first two weeks of February. Please think in terms of nominations & ideas. Self-nomination is completely fine.
8. Reports of Action and Interest Groups
Technology Advisory Action Group – B Block
Members are encouraged to think about technologies that will benefit IASSIST, what you are doing for IASSIST, whether you can host something for IASSIST. Also need for volunteers for developing the specifications of tools needed to run more efficiently.
Organizational Memory Action Group – A West
Looking for volunteers.
Strategic Plan Action Group – J Herndon
The chair invites new members to join the planning group. Need to asses the role IASSIST plays in libraries, archives, and information technology more broadly.
9. New business – M Wright
There were several brief informational announcements, but no new business per se.
T Myscich thanked the IASSIST Outreach Committee for providing support for the trip to the conference.
10. Motion to adjourn
Moved L Ruus; seconded K McNeill-Harman. The motion CARRIED.