Meeting of the General Assembly, Thursday, May 29, 2003 Ottawa, Ont. Canada
1. Welcome
The meeting was called to order at 12:35
2. Approval of the agenda
An item 8d. Membership was added. The agenda were approved as amended.
3. Approval of the minutes
Of the 2002 meeting of the General Assembly. Moved: Ernie Boko, seconded: Tess Trost – The motion was Carried.
4. Matters arising
There being none.
5. Report of Nominations and Elections Committee (P Burnhill)
The Committee consisted of P Burnhill, D Geraci, W Watkins, and J Dionne.
The Committee thanked all candidates. The results of the election are as follows:
President: A Green
Vice-president: R Dekker
Regional secretariats:
- Africa: J Paris
- Australia: S Holloway
- Canada: B Wandschneider
- Europe: M Wright
- United States: P Adams
Members at large:
- Canada: E Boyko
- Europe: R Rice, C van der Meer
- US: L Neidert, T Trost, J Weintrop
Members standing down: V Merrill, W Watkins, P Yott
Thanks also to ongoing administrative committee members: L Corti, S Giles, F Booker, C Severt, D Tsang.
5. Reports
5.a Regional Secretariats
Africa - none, will be posted to the WWW.
Australia – the region will report next year
Canada – W Watkins A full report will be made available on the web site. National Data Archive - nothing has been done in the last year. Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) is alive and well. The first national data library training will occur this year, with representatives from coast to coast. CAPDU also met here in Ottawa in conjunction with IASSIST. Spin offs from DLI – former users of DLI products who are now in the labour force and involved with the creation of of surveys, are putting data in our collections.
Europe – M Wright A full report will be made available on the web site. One highlight: membership numbers have dropped, but distribution around Europe has remained very stable, especially in eastern Europe. This is due in no small measure to IASSIST and the Outreach program.
United States – P Adams The US region had members from US in 2002-2003. US members should make themselves known to her. Has tried to focus on major policy issues – a full report will be available on the web. New legislation has been enacted, with respect to confidentiality, and data quality. J Stratford has an article forthcoming in Government Information. NIH now requires deposit of data. Development of a total information awareness program in Department of Defence. D Tsang received a Fulbright Scholarship to do an inventory of data resources in Vietnam. B Aldrich and J Grey passed away this year.
5.b President & Vice-president (A Green)
Developments in the past year have included changes to the listserv, IQ distribution, publication of 2 membership directories, complete revision of the web site, election and constitutional revision, as well as a change in the fiscal year. Outreach funding and activity has continued to be effective. The treasury and membership committees have been very activity, and archival consolidation has begun.
The Administrative committee voted to become DDI host institution. And IASSIST has established a Data documentation interest group. A Green communicated with UNESCO re preservation of digital heritage, and these comments have been included in new draft.
Enthusiastic about next 2 years. Thanks are due to the appointed officers for helping move forward: W Thomas (treasurer), L Ruus (secretary), Rasmussen (IQ editor). R Rice will now be official web editor. Thanks also to Y Hackette (archivist), P Burnhill (past president), C Geda (Constitutional Review committee), I Einowski (Outreach Action Group), and B Block (Strategic Plan Action Group).
5.c Treasury (W Thomas)
Last year we had US$74,500, now US$74,900. The budget for next year is a balanced budget. The financial health of the association is good. Changes are anticipated among the assistant treasurers group, including retirements. Gift and thanks were presented to G Drolet (assistant treasurer for Canada). G Drolet is being replaced by R Boily.
5.d Archives (A Green)
Records are being consolidated. A new archival policy will be formulated.
6. Action groups
6.1 Outreach Action Group (M Wright)
Budget for the Outreach Action Group for this conference was US$3491.00. 3 applicants, offered funding to 2, but one couldn’t make it. Ms Omerzu from Slovenia has attended the conference.
6.2 Liaison & Representation (R Dekker)
This activity has been folded into the Membership committee, since the same people are involved. Discussion with African region to encourage membership.
6.3 Strategic Plan Action Group (B Block)
The action group is researching the plans of other organizations, as well as trying to learn about IASSIST s past. Half of committee are relative newcomers.
6.4 Web Site Action Group (R Rice)
A new web site was launched last year at the meeting. Now has gone into maintenance mode, and are stable. Putting up new content as it comes in. But need more content. A web survey has been launched by the committee, and members are encouraged to fill it out.
7. Interest groups (A Green)
Only one interest group for the coming year: Data Documentation
The Interest group needs a chair, mandate, and a mode of communication. The executive will attempt to resolve these before the conference is over.
8. Committees
8.1 Publications & communications (L Neidert)
The IQ is a communications vehicle for the association. IQ almost into 2003. Anyone can submit, eg presentation from this conference, or somewhere else, as long as it has something to do with IASSIST objectives.
Also the committee is collecting presentation notes from conference presentations. Some new ideas to be announced.
8.2 Constitutional Review Committee (A Green)
An election was duly conducted. Proposed changes to the constitution have been approved. The committee is [no] longer active.
8.3 Education Committee (W Watkins)
Enthusiastic and committed group. Already have listserv. First need to clarify the charge to the committee. Will be doing an inventory of resources. Contact P Lackie to be added to the listserv. The proposed inventory will be an inventory of inventories.
8.4 Membership Committee (S Giles)
The committee consists of the regional secretaries, the president, vice-president, treasurer and chair. Distribution of the membership is: 35 Canadians, 56 Europeans, 124 from US, 5 from elsewhere in the world. Main work of the committee will be to clean up the membership database, make it up-to-date, and link it to the listserv. Anyone who is not a paid-up member will be removed from the listserv by Dec. 31st, and will not receive a copy of the membership directory. Thanks to J Weintrop who runs listserv. A new format is planned for the membership directory. Thanks to W Thomas and W Piovesan for their work on the directory. Also working on a flyer, format and content (C Perry).
9. Conference reports
9.1 2003 conference (A Green)
9.2 2004
To be held at Madison Wisconsin. C Severt not here. Planning for the conference is well under way, with strong committees. Contact C Severt, F Booker, or your regional secretary to volunteer.
9.3 2005 - Edinburgh (A Bayley)
The 2005 conference will be held the week of May 24th. Program committee to be formed. Initial contact with IFDO re a joint conference has been made.
9.4 2006 (A Green)
CFP will be sent out, and an official announcement forthcoming.
10. Other business - announcements
10.1 C Humphrey
Thanked the Friends of IASSIST: W Liddington, W Bradley, Thanks to W Watkins, S Mowers, MacLean (Sociometrics), E Boyko (STC) and DLI Team.
11. Move to adjourn
E Boyko, seconded: M Wright - Carried. The meeting adjourned 13:30