Meeting of the General Assembly, May 17, 1996, Minneapolis MN
Chair: Libbie Stephenson
Approximately 90 persons present. The meeting convened at 12:50.
Wendy Treadwell thanked all those who had worked with her on the 1996 conference, as well as the many sponsors of the conference.
Libbie Stephenson opened the IASSIST business meeting, and thanked those who had worked on the 1996 conference, with especial mention of Wendy Treadwell, Mary Drew, and Peggy Adams.
3. Future conferences - Karsten Boye Rasmussen
The 1997 IASSIST conference will be held in Odense, Denmark on May 6-9, 1997. He introduced Kirsten Pagh, who will have primary responsibility for the conference.
Karsten called for program planning volunteers for a preliminary meeting after the conference wrap-up.
Wendy Treadwell officially presented the IASSIST conference banner to Karsten.
4. Reports of the regional secretariats
(see IASSIST Web site
- 4.1 Europe - Bridget Winstanley
- 4.2 Canada - Wendy Watkins
- 4.3 USA - Peggy Adams
5. Other reports
5.1 Membership Committee and Treasurers reports will be posted on
IASSIST Web site.
5.2 Membership Survey - Libbie Stephenson
The membership survey has only achieved a ca. 50% response rate. All responses are appropriately anonymized. Only aggregate results of the survey will be released to ensure confidentiality.
5.3 Work is on-going on reviewing the five-year plan and revising it.
6. Committee reports
6.1 Education Committee - Diane Geraci
The committee s mandate is to be responsible for the development of professional training. The committee intends to establish a training activities directory on the IASSIST Web page.
6.2 Publications Committee - Bridget Winstanley
In the coming year, the committee will be moving towards concurrent electronic and print issues of publications. The committee is planning a joint publication, with Computing in the Social Sciences, on IASSIST related issues.
The proceedings of this conference will appear on the Web.
7. New business
7.1 Elections - Chuck Humphrey
Chuck Humphrey announced the formation of a Nominations and Elections Committee consisting of Joanne Dionne, Jean Stratford, Vigdis Kvalheim, and Chuck Humphrey. Half of the Administrative Committee will be up for re-election, including the president, vice-president, and regional secretariats. A call for nominations will be distributed in the fall.
The meeting adjourned at 13:25.