Chair: Chuck Humphrey
The meeting convened at 13:30, with ca. 80 persons present.
1. Welcoming remarks - Chuck Humphrey
2. Post-conference workshop at UC, Berkeley
Patricia Vanderberg provided additional details of the local arrangements and workshops to be held at University of California at Berkeley the following day.
3. Reports of the regional secretariats
3.1 Canadian Secretariate - Wendy Watkins
Brief summary of Canadian activities: Western Canadian federated membership in ICPSR started last year, an eastern Canada federation is scheduled to begin this year. CARL census consortia acquired census of population 1986 & 1991, General Social Surveys, and Census of agriculture. Work on implementation of the Data Liberation Initiative to allow universities to afford Statistics Canada data is on-going. The CANSIM database is now network accessible, via University of Toronto and Simon Fraser University. Statistics Canada has a gopher, and a listserv. Three freenets have been created, with more coming.
3.2 European Secretariate - Peter Burnhill
An electronic IASSIST newsletter is about to hit the net, a vehicle for putting out reports of regional secretariats. Because IASSIST 1993 was held in Edinburgh, Europe now has 101 IASSIST members. Questions of sustaining this membership. 1997 conference in Odense to be held in Denmark. Will experiment with regional meeting (1-2 days) in Europe in October. European Union has a number of new technical initiatives which it is promoting, and which have implications for what IASSIST is doing. I.e. money going to libraries, but need to emphasize differences between library bibliographic information and social science data.
3.3 United States Secretariat - Anne Cooper
Some have dealt with earthquakes, and major moves. All are dealing with doing more and more with fewer resources. Activities have been mainly educational: ALA/GODORT workshop with 20 participants. ICPSR summer session workshop on data management in its 4th year with Jim Jacobs and Diane Geraci teaching. Also Peggy Adams conducted a workshop for archivists in Ireland. Workshops have also been held for records managers. Sarah Cox is chair of ALA Committee on Copyright; Judith Rowe is a member of the Deposity Library Council and on Census Advisory Council.
4. Future IASSIST conferences
- 1995 Quebec City, May 9-12
- 1996 Minneapolis, May 14-17
- 1997 Odense, Denmark
- 1998 New York - tentative
5. Committee reports
5.1 Membership Committee - Libbie Stephenson
Libbie reported on geographic breakdown of memberships: Europe 101, U.S. 138, Canada 31, Other 12. In addition, the IASSIST Quarterly has 42 library subscriptions.
Countries represented at this conference: Canada, Germany, Holland, France, Norway, South Africa, in addition to USA.
5.2 Treasurer - Marty Pawlocki
The Association’s only expenses are the annual conference and the IASSIST Quarterly. Income comes primarily from dues.
5.3 Publications Committee - Chuck Humphrey
Walter Piovesan will be working with Laura Bartolo as co-editor of the IASSIST Quarterly. An electronic version of the Quarterly is planned for the fall. Also proposing that IASSIST conference abstracts be made available via the IASSIST gopher. Repke de Vries will be coordinating this.
5.4 Nominations and Elections Committee - Carolyn Geda
The Committee consists of: Chuck Humphrey, Sue Dodd, Vigdis Kvalheim. A call for nominations will be issued in the fall. The slate of candidates will be formulated by October for review by the Administrative Committee. Ballots should go out in November. Results of the election should be available by end of December.
5.5 Future Directions Committee -Chuck Humphrey
This Committee will be looking at future directions of committees and action groups and reporting through the newsletter.
6. Thanks
The President officially thanked the Program Committee and the Local Arrangements Committee for an excellent conference: Marty Pawlocki, Jean Stratford, Ilona Einowski, Libbie Stephenson
7. Other business
7.1 Robert Johnson reported that the Information Systems Coordination Committee has now replaced the ACCIS Committee of the United Nations. The ACCIS Directory will be continued despite the demise of ACCIS. All UN organizations should be on the Internet by the end of the year.
7.2 Roundtable lunch convenors should prepare short reports for the IASSIST newsletter.
The meeting adjourned at 14:00.