Note: The membership ratified the proposed changes to the IASSIST constitution during electronic balloting in December 2011. The new constitution formally became effective following the Business Meeting during the annual conference in June 2012, in Washington, DC. Text of the current Constitution
The previous constitution is archived below (as revised May 10, 2005).
- Name
- Headquarters
- Objectives
- Activities
- Membership
- Finances
- Governance
- Meetings
- Elections
- Amendments
- Termination
- By-Laws
Article I NAME
The name of this organization shall be the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology / Association Internationale pour les Services et Techniques d’Information en Sciences Sociales, hereafter referred to as “IASSIST”.
The official headquarters of IASSIST will be located with the Treasurer.
All activities of IASSIST will be based upon the following objectives:
3.1 To encourage and support the establishment of local and national information centers for social science machine-readable data.
3.2 To foster international exchange and dissemination of information regarding substantive and technical developments related to social science machine-readable data.
3.3 To coordinate international programs, projects, and general efforts that provide a forum for discussion of issues relating to social science machine-readable data.
3.4 To promote the development of standards for social science machine-readable data.
3.5 To encourage educational experiences for personnel engaged in work related to these objectives.
To accomplish the objectives of IASSIST, some or all of the following activities may be conducted with the approval of the Administrative Committee on a national or regional basis and the submission of an appropriate report:
4.1 Committees and Groups
Committees may be established and groups of members organized to undertake specific tasks, to find solutions to specific problems, to develop and compile relevant material for specific projects, and to disseminate information on specific subjects.
4.2 Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Training Sessions
Members may convene organized efforts on any subject consistent with IASSIST objectives.
4.3 Publications
A Newsletter will be published and regularly circulated to all members, as well as to others wishing to subscribe. Other kinds of publications may be produced on occasion.
4.4 Cooperation with Other Organizations
Efforts will be made to cooperate with other organizations in joint projects and activities when these are consistent with IASSIST objectives.
4.5 Other activities that advance the objectives of IASSIST may be undertaken from time to time.
5.1 The membership shall consist of regular and student members, and shall be open to such persons as are interested in supporting the objectives of IASSIST.
5.2 Membership in IASSIST shall include a subscription to the Newsletter.
5.3 Resignations of any members shall become effective immediately upon receipt by the Treasurer of IASSIST. Resignation shall imply forfeiture of the annual membership fee.
6.1 The fiscal year of IASSIST shall begin January 1 and end on December 31.
6.2 Membership fees for regular and student members shall be paid annually to the Treasurer.
6.3 The rate of membership fees may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the members on a mail ballot or during the Business Meeting of the General Assembly. Mail ballots will be undertaken between October and December of any calendar year. The results of such ballots or votes will go into effect after the annual meeting of the General Assembly following the election. In the event of a vote during the Business Meeting of the General Assembly, the membership will be informed prior to the Business Meeting and proxy ballots will be made available.
7.1 General Assembly
IASSIST shall consist of a General Assembly composed of all regular and student members. The General Assembly will be organized by geographic regions. The establishment of a region must be approved by the Administrative Committee, which may also declare a region inactive and has the authority to declare a region inactive.
7.2 Functions of the General Assembly
The General Assembly will establish general policies for IASSIST and elect the members of the Administrative Committee, as well as the officers of the Association. Each region will, in addition, elect its own administrative officer who will be known as the Regional Secretary.
7.3 Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee will be the executive body of IASSIST, and shall be composed of at least 10 members elected by the General Assembly from its membership. The composition of the Administrative Committee will reflect the geographic distribution of the members of IASSIST and will be based on the number of members in each geographic region; the Regional Secretaries; the immediate past-President of IASSIST; the President and Vice-President; and the Treasurer, the Editor, the Secretary, and the Archivist, the last three individuals having been appointed by the President with the approval of the Administrative Committee. The elected members of the Administrative Committee will serve a four-year term and may serve no more than three consecutive terms. The Regional Secretaries will serve a two-year term and may be re-elected.
7.4 Functions of the Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee will implement policies, develop future directions, and coordinate activities for IASSIST. The Administrative Committee will organize the General Assembly into geographic regions, determines the number of Administrative Committee members from each geographic region, and call meetings of the General Assembly at least once every year. The Administrative Committee will also establish Committees and Groups as required.
7.5 Officers of the Association
The Nominations Committee will propose candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President, to be voted upon by the General Assembly. These officers shall serve a two year term and may serve no more than three consecutive terms.
7.6 Role of the Officers
The Officers of IASSIST will be responsible for the conduct of business of the ASSOCIATION between meetings of the Administrative Committee.
7.7 Executive Committee
The Executive Committee will consist of the Officers, plus other members of the Administrative Committee as required and designated by the Officers.
8.1 The annual meeting of the General Assembly shall be held at a time and place chosen by the Administrative Committee.
8.2 Special meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the Administrative Committee.
8.3 The Secretary shall give notice to the members as to the time and place of the annual meeting or special meeting no less than two months prior to the scheduled meeting.
8.4 A quorum shall consist of 40 members.
9.1 A Nominations and Elections Committee will be appointed by the Administrative Committee.
9.2 The Nominations and Elections Committee shall conduct an election in each geographic region for officers of IASSIST, members of the Administrative Committee, and the Regional Secretaries. members within each designated geographic region shall only be entitled to nominate and vote for the Regional Secretary in their home region. However, all members will be entitled to nominate and vote for the officers of IASSIST and the other members of the Administrative Committee.
9.3 A public call for nominations will be sent out by the Nominations and Elections Committee.
The Constitution of IASSIST may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members on a mail ballot, such ballots to be undertaken between October and December of any calendar year, the results of such ballots to go into effect after the following year’s annual meeting of the general Assembly, provided that:
10.1 notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given in writing to the Standing Committee on Constitutional review with the written support of at least five (5) members who have paid membership fees for the current year in the ASSOCIATION; and
10.2 two months’ notice of the proposed amendments is given in writing to all members of the ASSOCIATION prior to the conduct of the mail ballot.
IASSIST may be dissolved by a majority of the members. All property and funds of IASSIST will be transferred to a branch of UNESCO to be determined by the Administrative Committee.
12.1 Duties of the President
The President shall:
(i) be the principal officer of IASSIST;
(ii) provide leadership and guidance in the realization of IASSIST’S objectives;
(iii) preside at all meetings of the General Assembly and the Administrative Committee;
(iv) be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees and shall coordinate their activities;
(v) represent IASSIST in its dealings with external bodies and agencies, particularly those at the international level; and
(vi) report on the state of IASSIST at each annual meeting of the General Assembly.
12.2 Duties of the Vice-President
The Vice-President shall:
(i) perform duties and exercise the powers of the President in the absence or disability of the latter;
(ii) assist the President in recommending measures to further the objectives of IASSIST when and as often as requested;
(iii) be an ex-officio member of all Action and Interest groups and coordinate their activities, and be responsible for proposing the Coordinators to the Administrative Committee and maintaining regular contact with such Action and Interest Groups throughout the year; and
(iv) in the event of the resignation, death, or incapacity of the President, succeed as acting President for the duration of the President’s term.
12.3 Duties of the Regional Secretaries
The Regional Secretaries shall:
(i) be the primary officers of IASSIST in their respective regions, working closely with the President of IASSIST;
(ii) provide leadership and guidance in the realization of IASSIST’s objectives in their respective regions;
(iii) represent IASSIST in its dealings with external bodies and agencies, particularly those at the national level;
(iv) serve as members of the Standing Committee on Membership;
(v) attend all meetings of the General Assembly and the Administrative Committee; and
(vi) work closely with the Program Director of the Annual Meeting when the latter is scheduled in their particular region.
12.4 Duties of Appointive Officials
12.4.1 The Secretary shall:
(i) be appointed by the President of IASSIST with the approval of the Administrative Committee;
(ii) attend meetings of the Administrative Committee and meetings of the General Assembly and shall record all facts and minutes of all proceedings in the books kept for that purpose;
(iii) be an ex-officio member of the Nominations and Elections Committee to maintain lists of nominees for office and to assist in the preparation and distribution of ballots;
(iv) be an ex-officio member of the Standing Committee on Constitutional Review to maintain notices of proposed amendments to the Association’s constitution and to assist in the preparation and distribution of ballots; and
(v) give notice of all meetings of the General Assembly and of the Administrative Committee or President.
12.4.2 The Treasurer shall:
(i) be appointed by the President of IASSIST with the approval of the Administrative Committee;
(ii) have the custody of the funds and securities of IASSIST and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to IASSIST and shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of IASSIST and in such depositories as may be designated by the Administrative Committee from time to time;
(iii) disburse the funds of IASSIST as may be ordered by the Administrative Committee;
(iv) render to the Administrative Committee at its various meetings, or whenever the members of the Administrative Committee may require it, and account of all his/her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial position of IASSIST;
(v) prepare a written report for submission to the General Assembly at its annual meeting;
(vi) provide the Standing Committee on Membership with up-to-date mailing lists of all members who have paid membership fees for the current year in each of the geographic regions;
(vii) perform such other duties as may from time to time be determined by the Administrative Committee;
12.4.3 The Editor of the Newsletter shall:
(i) be appointed by the President of IASSIST, on the advice of the Standing Committee on Publications and with the consent of the Administrative Committee, for a term of two calendar years which may be renewed;
(ii) serve on the Standing Committee on Publications; and
(iii) be responsible for the regular preparation, publication, and distribution of IASSIST’s official Newsletter.
12.4.4 The Program Director of the Annual Meeting shall:
(i) be appointed by the President of IASSIST with the consent of the Administrative Committee;
(ii) set up and organize the next annual meeting following the appointment;
(iii) be responsible for keeping the Administrative Committee regularly informed of all preparations; and
(iv) work closely with the Regional Secretary in the region in which the annual meeting is to be held;
12.4.5 The Archivist shall:
(i) be appointed by the President of IASSIST with the approval of the Administrative Committee;
(ii) solicit and obtain records and other documentary materials from former and current officers and from the general membership in order to document the policies, procedures, and transactions of IASSIST;
(iii) maintain these materials in an archives of arrange for their orderly transfer to another archives designated by the Administrative Committee; and
(iv) take action to promote the use of these materials.
12.5 Committees
12.5.1 The Administrative Committee at the time of the annual meeting of the General Assembly shall appoint and/or confirm Standing Committees and shall appoint and/or confirm Chairpersons of the said Standing Committees.
12.5.2 Standing Committees shall advise the Administrative Committees on matters of policy within their particular sphere, and shall have a Chairperson appointed for a two-year term which may be renewed, two members drawn from the regular membership of IASSIST, appointed for a two-year term which may be renewed, one member of the Administrative Committee appointed for a two-year term which may be renewed unless representation from the Administrative Committee is already included in the composition of the Standing Committee in another capacity, and such officers as are designated ex-officio members.
12.5.3 The Standing Committees of IASSIST are the following:
(i) Constitutional Review Committee: responsible for receiving proposals for the enacting, amending, and repealing of the by-laws of IASSIST and for preparing revised articles and by-laws for members’ approval, as well as for undertaking an annual review of the constitution and by-laws and proposing amendments as it deems appropriate.
(ii) Education Committee: responsible for the development and advancement of professional programs in education and training and for advising the Administrative Committee on the criteria for the approval and certification of such programs.
(iii) Membership Committee: responsible for recruiting membership in IASSIST and for recommending alterations in the classes of membership and dues. This committee’s membership shall include the Regional Secretaries.
(iv) Nominations and Elections Committee: responsible for receiving nominations for the election of the Administrative Committee, the Regional Secretaries, and the officers of IASSIST, distributing ballots and electoral information according to regulation, tallying the ballots, reporting on the results of the tally, and for recommending alterations in procedures.
(v) Publications Committee: responsible for advising the Administrative Committee on general publications program policy and for reviewing manuscripts submitted for publications. This Committee’s membership shall also include the Editor of the Newsletter.
(vi) International Outreach Committee: Provides support for data professionals from emerging economies who are in the position of developing information infra-structures to address emerging technologies and information policy decisions at their home institutions regarding the use and preservation of public and private data.
12.6 Action Groups
12.6.1 The Administrative Committee, at the time of the annual meeting of the General Assembly, may appoint Action Groups and for every Action Group so appointed, a Coordinator shall be named.
12.6.2 A minimum of three (3) members of IASSIST may make application to the Administrative Committee for the establishment of an Action Group at least one month prior to the annual meeting of the General Assembly.
12.6.3 Action Groups shall be expected to undertake specific tasks, to find solutions to specific problems, or to develop and compile relevant materials for specific projects. The mandate or terms of reference of Action Groups shall be clearly defined, including the resources and time required and the specific nature of the output or product.
12.6.4 Action Groups shall report to the Administrative Committee through the Vice- President on matters relating to their particular sphere, and shall have a Coordinator appointed for a one-year term which may be renewed, two or more members of IASSIST appointed for a one-year term which may be renewed, and such officers as are designated ex-officio members.
12.7 Interest Groups
12.7.1 The Administrative Committee, at the time of the annual meeting of the General Assembly, may appoint Interest Groups and for every Interest Group so appointed a Coordinator shall be named.
12.7.2 A minimum of five (5) members of IASSIST may make application to the Administrative Committee for the establishment of an Interest Group at least one month prior to the annual meeting of the General Assembly.
12.7.3 Interest Groups shall be expected to disseminate information on specific subjects and to serve as a forum of discussion between as well as during annual meetings.
12.7.4 Interest groups shall report to the Administrative Committee through the Vice- President on matters relating to their particular sphere, and shall have a Coordinator appointed for a one-year term which may be renewed, four or more members of IASSIST appointed for a one-year term which may be renewed, and such officers as are designated ex-officio members.
12.8 Nominations and Elections Procedures
12.8.1 The Administrative Committee and the Officers
(i) Every two years, the President, the Vice-President and one-half of the elected members of the Administrative Committee shall be elected from a slate of candidates put forward by the Nominations and Elections Committee. Candidates must be members who have paid their membership fees for the year of the election by the time nominations are requested. If a region has no members at the time nominations are requested, the Nominations and Elections Committee will recommend that the Administrative Committee declare that region inactive.
(ii) During the fall of any election year, any member who has paid membership fees for the year of the election by the time nominations are requested may submit in writing to the Nominations and Elections Committee, the names of as many as seven (7) persons for the slate of candidates regardless of the geographic region in which the nominees reside.
(iii) The Nominations and Elections Committee will compile a list of nominees which shall be reviewed by the Administrative Committee and will mail ballots to the membership during the fall/winter of any election year.
(iv) All members who have paid their membership fees for the year of the election by the time the ballots are mailed, regardless of the geographic region in which they reside, shall be eligible to vote for nominees from each active geographic region. The number of nominees shown on the ballot shall be proportional to each region’s percentage of total membership in IASSIST. Voting will take place over a period of not more than one month during any election year, with the election process completed at least two months prior to the annual conference. If a vote for office results in a tie, a second ballot with the names of the candidates who have tied will be sent for that office. If there is a nomination but no votes cast from an active region, the Nominations and Elections Committee will recommend that the Administrative Committee declare the region inactive.
(v) The results of the election shall be announced to the membership via email and on the IASSIST web site in every election year at least two months prior to the annual conference. All winners, acclaimed or elected, will be listed, but the number of votes will not be published.
(vi) Newly elected members of the Administrative Committee and Officers shall take office after the annual meeting of the General Assembly following the elections.
12.8.2 The Regional Secretaries
(i) Every two years, the Regional Secretaries shall be elected from a slate of candidates put forward by the Nominations and Elections Committee. Candidates must be members who have paid their membership fees for the year of the election by the time nominations are requested. If a region has no members at the time nominations are requested, the Nominations and Elections Committee will recommend that the Administrative Committee declare that region inactive.
(ii) Any member in a particular geographic region who has paid membership fees for the year of the election by the time nominations are requested may submit in writing to the Nominations and Elections Committee, the name of a person for a Regional Secretary who must reside in the same geographic region as the nomination.
(iii) A nomination must be accompanied by a written statement from the nominee declaring his/her willingness to stand for election; a statement indicating that the nominee has institutional support to undertake the duties; and an outline of the qualifications of the nominee.
(iv) The Nominations and Elections committee will compile lists of nominees and mail appropriate ballots to the membership of each geographic region the fall/winter of any election year.
(v) All members who have paid their membership fees for the year of the election by the time the ballots are mailed in each geographic region shall be eligible to vote for the Regional Secretary for that particular geographic region. Voting will take place over a period of not more than one month during any election year, with the election process completed at least two months prior to the annual conference.
(vi) The results of the election shall be announced to the membership via email and on the IASSIST web site in every election year at least two months prior to the annual conference. All winners, acclaimed or elected, will be listed, but the number of votes will not be published.
(vii) Newly elected Regional Secretaries shall take office after the annual meeting of the General Assembly following the elections.