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Queering the Numbers: The IASSIST LGBTQ+ Data Guide
As a subgroup of the IASSIST Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data Resources Interest Group, the IASSIST LGBTQ+ Data Guide team was formed in September of 2023. Chaired by Kevin Manuel, Data Librarian from Toronto Metropolitan University, it has members from around the world that are contributing their knowledge and expertise with LGBTQ+ data resources. The subgroup was formed as there were discussions that came out of the development of the IASSIST Anti-Racism Resources Guide which recognized that there were other populations that were underrepresented, and that include LGBTQ+ people. Due to a history and even current context of oppression and exclusion LGBTQ+ people, data on these communities are often non-existent, small samples, or only recently collected. Please join Kevin, Michele and Van to learn more about the efforts of the IASSIST Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data Resources Interest Group to produce data guides that can help researchers find the often hard to find statistics they are looking for.