IASSIST Conference 2024

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Participating in the Data Services Continuing Professional Education (DSCPE) with Libraries at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: RDM, Data Science and Analytics, and the Emerging LIS Roles

Because research data management and data science are hot new areas camouflaged as the same service as before, Elaine Martin and and Rong Tang, developed a program for upskilling librarians to create or increase data services at their institution by partnering with Libraries whom are further along the Data Service Continuum. I was accepted and paired with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The CIO of their library wanted to know which entity was doing what and what activities were duplicated, essentially an environmental scan. The survey provides a sharable information product for other libraries to use to assess and evaluate their own RDM and Data Science and Analytical activities. The objective of this environmental scan was to document and evaluate the data services provided across RPI by asking the following questions: 1. What department is providing what RDM and Data Science and Analytics service? 2. What are the wholes or duplication of effort across the institution? And 3. What roles are LIS professionals playing in the RDM and Data Science and Analytics arena, broadly and locally?

Methods: Used a systematic review of data services to design the survey and specifically included services across engineering disciplines. Upon completion of the survey including input from my capstone partner, I plan to use the survey to review RPI’s website methodically and thoroughly. This survey will increase the richness and rigor of the final report to RPI as well as identify the roles LIS professionals are playing in the RDM and Data Science and Analytics across the institution. Because this is a content analysis of websites, IRB approval was not sought. The study is currently ongoing. Results will be shared at the conference. Conclusions from findings will be shared at the conference.

Ayaba Logan
United States


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