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IASSIST Conference 2023

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Central Asia and Mongolia Gender Data Portal

The Central Asia and Mongolia Gender Data Portal (CAMGDP) is a data portal created by Rutgers University - New Brunswick Libraries to assist scholars, academics, activists, and students in finding gender-related data on Central Asia and Mongolia. We compile quantitative and qualitative sources, informational websites, media publications, and organizations that work in Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia. Our focus on gendered data comes from personal research interests and observations of the lack of gender-related data portals on the countries of Central Asia and Mongolia, countries that share similar cultural, political, and economic influences. Given the rising interest in the region, our goal is to provide a guide to everyone committed to a non-violent knowledge production on Central Asia and Mongolia. We aim to not only collect a list of sources as a starting point for research but also to assist in the critical analysis of the gender-related data and publications available on Central Asia and Mongolia. While INGOs and their contribution are important, our portal prioritizes local initiatives and grassroots organizations in an effort to give them the same credit and exposure as their international and foreign counterparts often receive in Western scholarship and media. By creating a comprehensive data portal with relevant reflections, remarks, and facts, we hope to help researchers find local, regional, and international initiatives, publications, and secondary sources and engage in a more horizontal work with Central Asian and Mongolian communities. This poster describes initial work on development of the portal and initial research on Kazakhstan, the first country to be profiled.

Ryan Womack
Rutgers University
United States

Aizada Arystanbek
Rutgers University
United States


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