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IASSIST Conference 2023

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People of Iassist: who are pushed out and who are or pulled in?

In VAC of IASSIST Sweden 2022 the following questions have been posed:

We need to know more about what members want. How to meet their needs better beyond a conference? Do we want to be more global?

Why do people not stay? Understand why people stay and why do people come to one conference and not return

How get people to be long term people? What do people want from the conference? 

In this presentation I will try to answer those questions. I will do that by using two tools:

The analysis of Iassist members in last ten year, building a stop and go model of their behaviours: which stay, which one went away, which one think to go away (in terms of structural variables)

The analysis of a questionnaire related to what they think about the usefulness of Iassist conferences and other related topics

Flavio Bonifacio
Metis Rierche


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