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IASSIST Conference 2023

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The CADRE technical environment for research data access in Australia

The Coordinated Access for Data, Research and Environments (CADRE) project aims to provide a Five Safes Implementation Framework for Sensitive Data in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences in Australia. The CADRE platform will be a means to improve Australian researcher access to sensitive data by operationalising the Five Safes framework. The platform is being developed to fill a gap in national research infrastructure, remove barriers and enhance data access processes. Stakeholders in the CADRE project include the Australian Data Archive as lead, the Australian Research Data Commons, and 11 national government and university project partners.

This paper will provide an overview of the baseline architecture and implementation of Phase 1 of the CADRE platform, and two core elements of the platform architecture, CILogon and REMS.

CILogon is a federated Identity Provider through which users will login with their organizational/AAF credentials, that can integrate with other authoritative data sources such as ORCID to retrieve - with the researcher’s consent - other relevant data about that researcher that is not provided by AAF. In addition to this user profile enrichment, the COManage component of CILogon will manage Collaborative Organizations (COs) to facilitate creation and management of: 1) groups of collaborators within the CADRE platform and 2) projects involving those groups.

User interaction will then occur through a user interface based on the REMS project (source code: REMS - Resource Entity Management System - is an open source, extensible interface established through the ELIXIR program in the EU. It is written in Clojure (API) and ClojureScript (frontend), providing a community development model and potential collaborative opportunities for future joint development across national and international projects.

Marina McGale
Australian Data Archive, Australian National University

Steven McEachern
Australian Data Archive, Australian National University

Vikas Chinchansur
Australian Data Archive, Australian National University

Shenhai Chen
Australian Data Archive, Australian National University


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